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In 2007, Brian Solis wrote an article entitled, “Social Media is About Sociology Not Technology.” It’s a statement that after five years, He thankfully continue to see shared every day on Twitter. As time passed and experience matured, He amended that statement to now read, “Social media is about social science not technology.”

Why did He change such a powerful statement? He believe that it is not only stronger now, it is also truer.

See, sociology is just one part of the equation. Social science is the study of society and human behaviors. As an umbrella term, we should think about social media and mobile behavior as it’s related to psychology, anthropology, communication, economics, human geography, ethnography, et al. After all, everything comes down to people.

Unfortunately in new media, we tend to put technology ahead of people. Think about your current social media, mobile, or web strategy for a moment. Do you even know who you’re trying to reach? Do you know what customers or stakeholders expect or the challenges they face? Are you familiar with how they connect and communicate and why? Lastly, do you understand the journey they take to make decisions?

Whether we do or we don’t isn’t stopping us from embracing social and mobile technologies to reach the new generation of connected consumers.

Excerpt from BrianSolis.com

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